.. _py-Derivation: ********************************************************** Derivation ********************************************************** .. default-domain:: py .. py:currentmodule:: mod .. cpp:namespace:: mod .. class:: Derivation This class is a simple wrapper for passing data around. It contains two multisets of graphs :math:`G` and :math:`H`, and optionally a rule :math:`p`. An object may thus implicitly store a set of direct derivations :math:`G\Rightarrow^p H`, though the validity of the data is not checked. An object of this class is implicitly convertible to a :class:`Derivations` object. .. attribute:: left Represents the multi-set of left graphs :math:`G`. :type: list[Graph] .. attribute:: rule Represents the transformation rule :math:`p`, or no rule at all. :type: Rule .. attribute:: right Represents the multi-set of right graphs :math:`H`. :type: list[Graph] .. class:: Derivations This class is a simple wrapper for passing data around. It contains two multisets of graphs :math:`G` and :math:`H`, and (possibly empty) set of rules. An object may thus implicitly store a set of direct derivations :math:`G\Rightarrow^p H` for each rule :math:`p`, though the validity of the data is not checked. .. attribute:: left Represents the multi-set of left graphs :math:`G`. :type: list[Graph] .. attribute:: rules Represents a (possibly empty) set of transformation rules. :type: list[Rule] .. attribute:: right Represents the multi-set of right graphs :math:`H`. :type: list[Graph]