3.2.8. Post.hpp

This header contains various functions to manipulate post-processing (PostMØD). Commands for the post-processor are written to the command file out/post.sh which the post-processor executes internally as a Bash script.

std::string post::makeUniqueFilePrefix()

a string on the form out/iii_ where `iii` is the next zero-padded integer from an internal counter.

void post::command(const std::string &line)

Write the given text to the command file and write a newline character.


The contents of the command file is executed without any security checks.

void post::flushCommands()

Flush the command file buffer.

void post::disableCommands()
void post::enableCommands()

Disable/enable command writing and flushing, also for commands emitted internally in the library.

void post::reopenCommandFile()

Reopen the command file, which may be useful if it was modified externally while open by the library.

void post::summaryChapter(const std::string &heading)

Command the post-processor to insert a \chapter macro in the summary.

void post::summarySection(const std::string &heading)

Command the post-processor to insert a \section macro in the summary.

void post::summaryRaw(const std::string &latexCode)
void post::summaryRaw(const std::string &latexCode, const std::string &file)

Command the post-processor to insert the given code verbatim in the summary. If file is given then that will be appended to a unique prefix for the final filename the code is stored in.

void post::summaryInput(const std::string &filename)

Command the post-processor to insert a \input macro in the summary.

void post::disableInvokeMake()
void post::enableInvokeMake()

Disable/enable the invocation of Make in the post-processor. The processing of commands and generation of Makefiles will still be carried out, and Make invocation can be done manually afterwards through the post-processor

void post::disableCompileSummary()
void post::enableCompileSummary()

Disable/enable the compilation of the final summary during post-processing. The compilation can be invoked manually afterwards through the post-processor.