.. _mod_post: **************************** PostMØD **************************** .. program:: mod_post The post processor, ``mod_post``, is used for compiling figures and a summary document of the data in the ``out/`` folder. As default it is automatically invoked by the wrapper script. The script does the following: #. Clear the folder ``summary/``. If it does not exist, it is created. #. Source the command file ``out/post.sh`` and create ``summary/Makefile`` (and a bunch of additional Makefile files it includes). #. Run ``make -f summary/Makefile all`` (with a few more arguments). The Makefile will compile figures and generate a Latex file. A master Latex docuemnt is compiled to ``summary/summary.pdf``. The master document includes the generated Latex file. Usage ##### .. code-block:: bash mod_post [options] Options ------- .. option:: --help, -h Shows the help output of the script. .. option:: -j When running ``make``, use ``-j `` as additional arguments. This parameter defaults to 2, unless :envvar:`MOD_NUM_POST_THREADS` is set. .. option:: --install-format --install-format-sudo Compile the common Latex preamble used for figure generation and install it. Use the ``-sudo`` version to install using ``sudo``. This may be useful to do if you encounter the issue about the format being :ref:`made by different executable version `, or if MØD was configured to not install the format file (``-DBUILD_POST_MOD_FMT=off``). Environtment Variables ---------------------- .. envvar:: MOD_NUM_POST_THREADS If defined, the value of this variable is used for ``-j`` when invoking ``make``. When ``-j `` is given to the script, this variable is ignored. Useful API References ##################### The API of libMØD and PyMØD includes functionality for injecting code and modifying the behaviour of PostMØD and generated summaries. See :doc:`libMØD (Post.hpp) ` and :doc:`PyMØD (Post) ` for the documentation of these functions.